star wars xwing what token do i need to save when convertin


  • 1 General
    • one.ane Free Actions
  • ii Barrel Roll
    • Big Ship Barrel Ringlet
  • 3 Boost
  • four Cloak/Decloak
  • v Coordinate
  • vi Evade
  • 7 Focus
  • 8 Jam
    • 8.1 Small or Big Ship
    • 8.two Huge Ship
  • 9 Recover
  • 10 Reinforce
    • x.1 Small/Large Ships
    • ten.two Huge Ships
  • 11 Reload
  • 12 Rotate Arc
  • 13 SLAM
  • 14 Target Lock

Full general [ ]

The active ship can perform 1 standard action during the "Perform Activity" pace of the Activation phase. Ships can also perform costless deportment as instructed by cards or mission rules. The actions available to each ship are listed in that ship's activity bar.

  • As an action, a ship may resolve an ability beginning with the "Action:" header on 1 of its Upgrade or Harm cards.
  • A stressed transport cannot perform actions, even free deportment.
  • A transport must skip its "Perform Action" footstep if it overlapped another ship while executing a maneuver.
  • A ship can still perform free deportment even if it moved through or overlapped an obstacle, equally long as the ship is not stressed.
  • A ship cannot perform the same activity more than once during a single round, fifty-fifty if i or more than of the actions are free actions.
    • If a ship has more than one copy of the same Damage or Upgrade carte, it still cannot perform the activity described on those cards more than than one time per round.
  • If a card ability or mission event grants a ship a free activeness for which it does not take the matching activity icon in its activeness bar, it may nevertheless perform that action.
  • A ship can cull not to perform an action during the "Perform Action" step or when granted a gratis activeness.

Free Actions [ ]


FFG- Star Wars- X-Fly Miniatures Tutorial - Multi-action Rules

A complimentary action is an action granted to a transport through a menu ability or other effect. Information technology does not count as the one standard action that a ship performs during the "Perform Action" stride.

  • A stressed transport cannot perform free deportment.
  • A ship can perform free actions even if it skipped "Perform Deportment" step due to overlapping an asteroid obstacle or another game consequence.
  • If a ship is specifically granted a complimentary butt ringlet action or a free heave action and cannot complete the action in the desired management, it may cull a different direction. It cannot choose to perform a unlike activity.
  • If the effect granting a free action does not specify which actions are allowed (for example, Push The Limit specifies a gratuitous action on your activity bar), and so the ship may perform whatever action it could normally perform (from action bar, upgrade cards, etc). You must yet follow all activity rules; for instance, you notwithstanding cannot perform the same action twice in a round.

Butt Roll [ ]

Barrel Roll.jpg
Barrel Roll - Large.jpg

Ships with the barrel roll icon in their action bar may perform the barrel roll action to motion laterally and adapt their position. To perform a barrel ringlet with a small ship, follow these steps:

  1. Take the [Straight 1] maneuver template.
  2. Place i finish of the template against the left or right side of the ship's base of operations. The template cannot exist placed beyond the front or back edges of the base.
  3. Elevator the ship off the play surface, so identify the transport at the other terminate of the template. The template cannot exist beyond the front end or back edges of the ship'south base, and the ship must confront in the same management as before the barrel curlicue.
    • A ship cannot barrel roll if it would overlap another ship or an obstacle token, or if the maneuver template would overlap an obstacle token.
    • A ship cannot barrel roll if this would cause the ship to flee the battlefield.
    • When a player declares a barrel roll action for his ship, he must also declare whether the ship is butt rolling to the left or the right before placing the maneuver template on the play area.
    • If a player declares a barrel roll action for his transport and cannot complete the action in the desired management, he may choose a dissimilar direction or a different action entirely.
    • Performing a barrel roll does non count as executing a

      FFG- Star Wars- X-Wing Miniatures Tutorial - Butt Rolling


Large Ship Barrel Curl [ ]

  1. When a large send performs a barrel ringlet, instead of placing the end of the template confronting the ship's base of operations, identify the long side of the template confronting the ship's base of operations. All other rules for performing a barrel whorl apply as normal.

Heave [ ]

Ships with the Boost icon in their action bar may perform a boost action. To boost, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the |i Forward|, |one Bank Left|, or |one Depository financial institution Correct| maneuver template.
  2. Set the maneuver template between the transport'southward forepart guides.
  3. Motility the send to the opposite end of the template and slide the rear guides of the transport into the template.
  • A ship cannot heave if it would overlap another ship or an obstruction token, or if the maneuver template would overlap an obstacle token.

    FFG- Star Wars- X-Wing Miniatures Tutorial - Boosting

  • A ship cannot boost if this would cause the ship to flee the battleground.
  • When a player declares a boost action for his ship, he must as well declare which management he is boosting before determining if he can consummate the boost into that management.
  • If a histrion declares a boost action for his ship and cannot consummate the action using the desired direction, he may choose a different direction or a different activeness entirely.
  • Performing a boost does non count as executing a maneuver.

Cloak/Decloak [ ]

Ships with the cloak icon in their activeness bar may perform a cloak action. When a ship performs the cloak action, assign one cloak token to that transport. A cloaked transport follows these rules:

  • The agility value of a ship with a cloak token is increased by 2.
  • While a ship has a cloak token, it cannot perform attacks.
  • A ship cannot perform the cloak action while information technology already has a cloak token.
  • Cloak tokens are non removed during the Finish stage.

At the start of the Activation stage, after players have resolved all other abilities that trigger at the start of the Activation stage, each send may spend a cloak token to decloak, starting with the ship with the everyman airplane pilot skill (using initiative to interruption ties).

When a ship decloaks, it must choose one of the following furnishings:

  1. Perform a barrel ringlet using the [Straight 2] maneuver template.
  2. Perfom a heave using the [Straight ii] maneuver template.

After all decloaking has been resolved, the Activation stage continues as normal.

  • Decloaking is not an activity or a maneuver.
  • A ship tin decloak fifty-fifty while stressed.
  • When a actor declares that his send is decloaking, he must declare whether it is barrel rolling to the left, butt rolling to the right, or boosting forrad before placing a maneuver template on the play area.
  • A send cannot decloak if it would overlap some other transport or an obstacle token, or if the maneuver template would overlap an obstacle token.
  • A ship cannot decloak if this would cause the ship to flee the battleground.
  • If a send cannot decloak in the desired direction, it may choose another management or choose not to decloak.
  • If a ship cannot decloak in any management, information technology cannot decloak.

Coordinate [ ]

Ships with the Coordinate icon in their action bar may perform the coordinate action. (Usually a huge ship) To perform the coordinate action, choose another friendly ship at Range 1-2. That transport may immediately perform ane free action.

Note: Considering it doesn't specify a limit the way PTL or Experimental Interface do, the ship's free activeness can come from its action bar, upgrade cards, impairment cards, etc. It must still follow all the rules for a gratis action. Team Leader offers a like power, just with more restrictions.

Evade [ ]

Ships with the evade icon in their activeness bar may perform the evade activeness. To perform the activeness, assign one evade token to the ship. When defending, the transport may spend that token to add one additional evade result to his defense curl. All unspent evade tokens are removed from ships during the End phase.

  • A transport can have more than one evade token, merely nevertheless cannot spend the same token type on the the same effect multiple times on the same attack.
  • If an ability instructs a player to assign an evade token to a ship, this is different than performing an evade activity. The send is assigned the token without performing the action and may even so perform the evade action this round.

Focus [ ]


FFG- Star Wars- 10-Wing Miniatures Tutorial - Using Focus Tokens

Ships with the focus icon in their activeness bar may perform the focus action. To perform the activeness, assign 1 focus token to the ship. When attacking or defending, the send may spend that token to change all of its focus results to hit results (on attack die) or evade results (on defense dice). All unspent focus tokens are removed from ships during the End phase.

  • A ship can take more than ane focus token.
  • A transport can spend a focus token even if it did non roll any focus results.
  • If a menu power instructs a player to assign a focus token to a ship, this is different than performing a focus action. The ship is assigned the token without performing an action and may nevertheless perform the focus action this round.

Jam [ ]

Small or Large Ship [ ]

A small or large ship with the Jam icon in its action bar may perform the Jam activity to assign ane jam token to an enemy ship at range i that is non jammed, or to an enemy ship inside its primary firing arc at Range 1-2 that is not jammed. If a role player declares a jam action and the enemy send the player wants to jam is non at range, that player may choose a different transport to jam or a dissimilar activeness entirely.

Huge Ship [ ]

To perform the jam action, a huge ship chooses one enemy send at Range 1-2 and assigns Stress tokens until the ship has 2 total stress tokens.

Recover [ ]

To perform the recover action, a ship (ordinarily a huge ship) removes all energy tokens from the respective transport card. For each energy token removed, the transport recovers one shield, up to its maximum shield value.

If a send has more than 1 ship bill of fare, and so for each energy token, the ship recovers ane shield on either of its sections.

Reinforce [ ]

Small/Large Ships [ ]

A ship with the Reinforce icon can perform the REINFORCE action. When a small or big ship performs a reinforce action, choose either the fore or aft side of a double-sided reinforce token and place the token with that side faceup almost its send token.

When a small or large ship with a reinforce token is defending, resolve the post-obit effects:

  • If the fore side of the token is faceup and the assailant is inside the defender'southward firing arc, add ane Evade result.
  • If the aft side of the token is faceup and the attacker is non inside the defender'southward firing arc, add 1 Evade result.

This effect does non spend the reinforce token. During the Finish phase, remove all reinforce tokens.

Huge Ships [ ]

To perform the reinforce action, a huge transport places 1 reinforce token next to either the fore or aft department of the ship. A ship with a reinforce token that is defending adds one Evade result to its defense ringlet, but only for the section to which the reinforce token is assigned.

The reinforce token stays on the send until the stop of the round, and therefore tin be used against multiple attacks. In this mode, the reinforce activity is like an Evade activity that lasts throughout the circular, rather than for just a single attack.

Reload [ ]

Ships with the reload icon in their action bar may perform a reload activeness. To reload, choose any number of the ship's equipped, discarded torpedo or missile Upgrade cards and flip them faceup, and so assign the ship a Weapons Disabled token.

Rotate Arc [ ]

As an action, the Shadow Caster may select one of its four quadrants and assign the mobile firing arc to that quadrant. Motion the pointer to face the selected quadrant to signal the mobile firing arc's position.

SLAM [ ]

Swx33 card ref 04-1-.png

Ships with the SLAM icon in their action bar may perform a SLAM (SubLight Acceleration Motor) action.

To SLAM, choose and execute a maneuver on the transport's punch. The called maneuver must be the same speed as the maneuver that ship executed this circular. Then assign that transport a weapons disabled token.

A transport with a weapons disabled token assigned to information technologycannot perform attacks. Weapons disabled tokens are removed during the Finish phase along with focus and evade tokens.

Performing a SLAM counts as executing a maneuver.

A shipcannot perform SLAM equally a free action.


FFG- Star Wars- X-Wing Miniatures Tutorial - SLAM

Target Lock [ ]

Target Lock.jpg

Ships with the target lock icon in their action bar may perform the Acquire A TARGET LOCK activeness to larn a target lock on an enemy ship at Range 1-3. While attacking, a ship can spend a target lock that it has on the defender to reroll whatsoever number of its attack dice.

A target lock consists of a red target lock token and a blue target lock token displaying the same letter. When a target lock is acquired, assign the blue target lock token to the ship performing the action (the locking send), and assign the red target lock token on the target (the locked ship).

Target locks are non removed during the End stage.

A ship tin can maintain one target lock. If a ship acquires a new target lock, it must remove its erstwhile target lock.

  • A ship that does not have the target icon in its activity bar tin can learn and maintain a target lock granted past another game event.
  • If a ship spends a target lock as part of the cost of an ability, that target lock does not also allow the transport to reroll set on dice.
  • If a player declares an learn a target lock action for his ship and the enemy transport he wants to lock is not at range, he may choose a different transport to lock or a dissimilar action entirety.
  • If an ability instructs a ship to "acquire a target lock", this is different than performing an acquire a target lock action. The ship acquires the target lock without performing an action, and it may do and then even if it has already performed the acquire a target lock activeness during this round.

    FFG- Star Wars- 10-Wing Miniatures Tutorial - Using Target Locks

  • A ship can acquire a new target lock on a send that information technology already has locked; the old target lock is removed.
  • A send can spend a target lock and choose not to reroll whatsoever dice.
  • If an event removes a bluish or red target lock token from a ship, the matching red or bluish target lock token is besides removed (unless the blueish target lock is assigned to another ship).
  • A send can be locked by more than i enemy ship.
  • When an ability instructs you to acquire a target lock, the locked ship needs to be at Range 1-iii, unless the ability explicitly states otherwise or another power modifies the range at which the ship can acquire target locks. (FAQ, v.4.1.2, 4/25/2016)


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